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Vajra Master Shi Lian Yang was born in Taiwan, Chiayi in year 1957 and was named as Cai Qiu Xiang. Her parents were both honestly working in business field as well as being farmers too. In September 2010, she was being consecrated and ordained by H.H Living Buddha Lian Sheng with a new Dharma title as Shi Lian Yang. In the year 2015, she was further anointed as a Vajra Master after receiving the Vajra Acharya initiation from H.H Living Buddha Lian Sheng and her dharma title changed to Vajra Master Shi Lian Yang whose mission was to propagate Buddha Dharma and to benefit all sentient beings.

 When she was studying in Taipei and had the opportunities to explore and come into contact with various religions, I was intrigued to find out more about myself and the reasons behind this eager interest. Thus far, she came across religions such as Christianity, Catholicism, Holy Spiritism, Exoteric, Taoism and Buddhism and also visited Taoist temple of Yi Guandao and Buddhist temples of Theravada, Zen and Tantrayana Buddhism etc. She has also visited many religious places and have affinity to know many saints and great religious teachers while listening to them giving great wisdom speech and teachings as well as reading some religious books and she truly believes that the sub conscious mind of everyone is the mastermind who choose our own kind of life to live in before we are even born. A burning question floated in her mind: Why do majority of the human being (9 out of 10 people), are not satisfied with their own chosen life journey and seriously think that it is not the life they have actually chosen before born? Therefore, with this intriguing question in mind, it has spurred her on further in her life to search for the answer and meaning to life. Despite getting married and have a child and immigrated to the United States in 1980 with her family, and with the constant challenges mainly from due to a total foreign environment, the thought of finding the true meaning of life has never go away and was always circling internally in her heart.

By chance in the year 1982, among the books that were sent by her relatives and friends in Taiwan to help relieve her homesickness, there was a book titled: “The Legend of Conquering Devils and Demons”. After reading that book, both of herself and her dharma spouse unanimously said: "Is there really such a person? We must personally get to know and visit this sage! Maybe we can find out the questions about life and death!". Thereafter, they couldn’t wait any further and decided to fly to Seattle to pay homage to the Living Buddha Lian Sheng. At the same time, they have both officially sought refuge under Living Buddha Lian Sheng. In the early days of True Buddha Sect was also known as Holy Spiritual Sect (Ling Xian Sect which was later renamed to Holy Spiritual True Buddha Sect and then to True Buddha Sect), Grandmaster Lu personally led the dharma practices. Throughout the practices, Grandmaster Lu and his spouse have always been compassionately teaching them in details. While continuing to learn the True Buddha dharma, she has also often visit various sects, such as the Dalai Lama’s Dharma Conference in California, Master Yi Yun Gao’s Dharma Conference in California, the Red Sect, the Yellow Sect, the Pure Land Sect, the Zen Sect, etc. She and her dharma spouse also have been diligent in participating all the various courses and Dharma conferences held by the great masters, kings and saints.

After having the fate and affinity to seek refuge under Grandmaster, she has been practicing the True Buddha Tantric Dharma daily once in the morning and evening. Up till one special fate encounter in year 1985 whereby Grandmaster spoke to her: “Your personal Yidam Deity is Maha Cundi, and I will personally teach you the Maha Cundi dharma.” Ever since then, her daily practice routine included one set of Root Guru yoga and Maha Cundi yoga combined one in the morning and one at night. Her daily practice remained unchanged up till Grandmaster Lu personally bestowed and transmitted to her the fire offering dharma in year 1994 and water offering dharma in year 1995. Following which, she and her dharma spouse (Vajra Master Shi Lian Zhen) have additional dharma practices added on in their daily routines such as practicing in spiritual Zen breathing technique and taking turns to practice either the fire offering or the water offering without any breaks except the time when they were out of the country and unable to practice the fire and water offerings. Therefore, she deeply realized this: the nature of Dharma is inherently powerless and we simply just need to focus deeply on just one Dharma and it will connect us to all other Dharmas. Because of this nature, in the path of spiritual cultivation, the most important Dharma to practice must be the one that truly fit in with you easily and purely focus on that particular Dharma practices and go deeper into it and experience the practice step by step. Also, it is best to integrate this kind of cultivation fully in our daily life and if we persist for long, the bad habits of the past life from the eight consciousness fields will be erased layers by layers till your thoughts only filled with positive and good thoughts naturally you will be liberated from all sufferings. This is for sure the best and wisest step. In truth, with such realization, all religions are equivalent to no religion, from great to the simplest as the Buddha has open up 84,000 Dharma Doors with each Dharma door leading to a different method of reaching to the great perfect attainment.

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